Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Wow, I haven't written in about two weeks. For good reason, I think. Things have been pretty hectic and it's been a while since I've had a few extra minutes at work with nothing pressing on my plate. Even now, I really don't have time to do this, but heck -- I'm tired, a little stressed, and I'm doing it anyway. And I'll make it quick.

We went to prenatal classes two & three, which were significantly more interesting (and more graphic). We watched a few birthing videos, toured the maternity unit at the hospital and found out how much a 2-day stay at the hospital costs. Thank goodness for insurance. Yikes.

I had a doctor's appointment last week, which was sort of depressing. Don't worry -- nothing's wrong with the baby. It had more to do with superficial things, like how much weight I've gained and how my clothes (maternity, mind you) are starting to become a little tighter. My doctor didn't seem to worried. She told me I was on the higher end of the recommended weight gain, but just to watch my carbs and walk a little more. I don't know what I was thinking for the past few months eating ice cream almost everyday. I pretty much did this to myself, but it's awfully hard not to rationalize a big bowl of [insert flavor] when I start feeling "meh", which is most of the time lately. I've limited myself to one bowl a week.

I haven't had a problem lately finding time to do some walking. I ran a bunch of errands for work yesterday and helped out a bit at a trade-show in Salt Lake last night (Novell BrainShare, in case any nerds out there have heard of it :)) Under normal circumstances, I would have been able to stay the whole evening and help tear down the booth afterwards and probably would have felt a little weary and foot-sore the next morning. Um, not now, though. I was only in Salt Lake for 2-3 hours and walked around way more than I should have. It was evident when I could barely roll over in bed this morning and managed to hobble to the bathroom. It reminded me of the achiness of the mornings after I skied. Only it got better after a long shower. :)

I miss my stamina. And my brains. I can usually multi-task like a pro, and it's frustrating when I can't even concentrate on one thing at a time without occasional blank-outs.

I could go into church-related stress on top of everything else, but it's relatively minor right now and I really should get to work. One good thing, though . . . Steve and I are going to the Goo Goo Dolls concert tonight thanks to BrainShare. :)

1 comment:

Brynn said...

Speaking of missing your brains...I worked up until I had Joseph and every mistake I made was chalked up by my coworkers to being pregnant. Funny at first, but then, not so funny and more just sad and frustrating. I feel your pain!