Not only am I suppressing computer nerd tendencies, I've recently been converted to elastic waistbands. That doesn't help my case at all. Luckily I can get away with this while I'm pregnant. I just hope it doesn't carry on for too long afterwards. I'm only about 11 weeks along, but my abdomen seems to think otherwise. I blame indigestion and not my 1.3 in-long fetus. Anyhow, I was faced with four options in deciding how to clothe my bottom half:
1. Keep wearing the 3 pairs of pre-prego pants that I can (sorta) fit into and use the "rubberband trick" when necessary.
This still works. But rotating 3 pairs of pants can be very boring.
2. Buy normal pants in bigger sizes so that I can wear them for two months before growing out of them.
Uh, no. I have a hard enough time finding pants I like as it is, and the ones I do like are most often expensive. I'm not forking over $50-$70 on a pair of pants that i'll wear for a couple of months and perhaps for another month later on.
3. Wear my cotton gauchos. All the time.
I love them. I put them on as soon as I get home from work and stay in them until I go to bed or have to go out in public. I would love to wear them all the time, but one look at my backside convinces me very strongly otherwise. Plus, I think Steve would tease me more. I get the feeling that he thinks they're silly.
4. Buy (and start wearing) maternity pants.
Since I love shopping, I'd already started looking around for (and buying) stuff to wear. I have maternity pants in my closet that I had planned on pulling out around Christmastime.
My pride told me that I shouldn't be wearing maternity pants this early unless I was pregnant with triplets. I swallowed it one Saturday and put a pair on. I couldn't help but notice how comfortable I was. I began wearing them to work, and right now I'm sitting here in a pair of army green maternity khakis. My favorite part was that after a lunch at Parker's, I don't have the need to undo my top button.
I bought this belt that has this hidden stretchy elastic thingy. It's protected by this leather cover, so you can't actually see the stretchiness, and it doesn't look like a "big boy belt". I swear it's the best belt I've ever worn. My wife calls it the "buffet belt".
Honestly Natalie, I started wearing my maternity pants by 8 weeks with Emma (at most 8 weeks)--and I had actually lost weight at that point! (something about nausea...) Pregnancy does weird stuff. :)
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