Sunday, May 06, 2012


Just a few little random pictures from the past month...

 "Look Mom! We're in a tortilla bed!" I love how food-minded my children are.

Did I mention that I have several furry grandchildren? My kids give birth at several times a week. 

Ivy just being her crazy self. I wish she would stay three forever. I love it.

Oh, and this happened. As much as I swore I'd never drive a minivan I'm surprised how much I like it. Like... really like it. The more I drive it, the more I like it.

We wanted to buy a used one, but because of issues with Steve's student loans we couldn't get a loan from the bank. So we ended up leasing a new one. This is the first time we've ever had a brand-new car... or a car payment... or that paranoid feeling that someone will give me a door ding. 

I totally understand why my dad always parks his cars in the boonies.


Cassia said...

Love these pictures! And the bit about furry grandchildren made me laugh - my children do that too and Kathryn has been telling me about her cat babies lately. So fun!

Manda said...

LOL. Glad to know I'm not the only one with rapidly birthing children. But I don't get cute animal grandchildren. I get balls, and live cats, and triplet baby dolls that I am required to hold and admire for 5-10 minutes after every rapid birth.