Ready for the Perry Spring Break Slide Show? You can hardly contain yourself, I'm sure.
Luckily it warmed up quite a bit, especially on the day I watched my friend's boys. Nothing entertains four kids (three and under) like a big bucket of suds. Steve really appreciated the help when he washed the car.
Luckily it warmed up quite a bit, especially on the day I watched my friend's boys. Nothing entertains four kids (three and under) like a big bucket of suds. Steve really appreciated the help when he washed the car.

If part 1 happens, you know part 2 will inevitably follow. . . (we love Asher :))

We took Sophie to the Jelly Belly factory again and met up with Hailey and Landon (and they're little Behr in utero, just days from arrival). Hailey and I have known each other since we were awkward pre-teens, but we hadn't seen each other in over 10 years. Our parents are close friends and we went on family vacations all the time together. Best ones? Lake Powell -- three years in a row.

Sophie was just a baby for her last trip here, and I don't think she appreciated all of the work that goes into making a gourmet jelly bean. I still don't think she does. But she sure appreciated the treat at the end of the tour. (Speaking from experience, if you want a tolerable toddler, don't feed them lots of jelly beans. I'm just sayin'.)

We also got to go to the zoo for the first time this year, and Steve got to be the photographer that day. (the reason why there are suddenly a ton of pictures of me. . .) I think he knows more about my camera than I do. Maybe a photography class had something to do with it . . .
I love that Ivy's old enough to really enjoy the zoo now. She loves animals. She always plays with her animal toys and looks at books with animals in them. It's funny to see her reaction when she sees them in real life. . .
I love that Ivy's old enough to really enjoy the zoo now. She loves animals. She always plays with her animal toys and looks at books with animals in them. It's funny to see her reaction when she sees them in real life. . .

(Yep, that's a tiger, sweetie. He's a lot longer than 2 inches.)

In the bottom left photo she's doing "what a giraffe does". Since they don't make noise, we stick our tongue out like we're grabbing leaves off a tree. They have long tongues -- have you noticed? In the bottom right I'm doing an elephant noise, not spitting on her.
Speaking of giraffes, have you ever seen them fight? There were a couple "teenage" giraffes that went at it for a few minutes. They'd swing their heads around and hit each other in the torso with their nubby horns. I guess adolescence is rough for giraffes, too.

I think the zebras are Sophie's favorite. She asks for them first.
During the week we also saw a lot of Steve's family. Steve's brother and his wife came to hang out with us (and visit Steve in the clinic). We had a little family home evening in the park, which was way colder than it looked.

Putting sand on Dad is way fun.

Psst, grandma, those aqua pants fit her now!
This is a picture of our niece, Layla. She's the happiest, wide-eyed little girl I've ever seen.

To wrap up the week, we went to Sacramento over the weekend so Steve could practice a health talk on his family. I mentioned before about the wellness certification he's working on. . . he's got his first presentation put together.

He did such a great job, and everyone loved it. He knows his stuff inside and out, and my favorite part is that you can tell he's passionate about what he's talking about. I was so proud of him. :)

Steve put them to work right at the beginning. . .
We got home from Sac on Saturday evening, and the girls had a little time to unwind from the trip. . . and the week.

In the big photo, they're doing "what a crab does". Oh, that scratch on Ivy's forehead? Just a kiss from the pavement. She's so clumsy, it kills me.