Friday, January 09, 2009

Miss Ivy

I finally took Ivy in this week for a check-up. Here are the stats:

Weight: 8.5 lbs (20th percentile)
Length: 21.5 in (50th percentile)

She's still a tiny little thing, but when you consider that she's gained 50% of her body weight in six weeks, I'd say she's chunking up quite fast.

It's been interesting getting to know another newborn. I compare her a lot to Sophie because that's the only other experience I have. Although she looks kind of like Sophie, her personality and mannerisms are quite different. For example . . .

Ivy loves to be cuddled facing inward. I LOVE THIS. Sophie always had to be facing out and hated being on her stomach. Ivy also likes to sleep on her stomach. She'll fall asleep on my chest, then wake up soon after I put her down on her back. Occasionally I put her on her stomach (gasp!) and she stays asleep for hours.

Ivy is a messy eater. She latches on, then falls off, then latches on, then falls off, and when she does stay on longer than 15 seconds, I swear she has a hole in her lip because milk goes everywhere. And when she's finished, she'll let go and instead of swallowing the milk she has left in her mouth, she'll just let it run out. It gets all over her face and all over me. And I don't even want to go into how much comes out later. (Yes, she's still spitting up a lot. I think it might be more than just chocolate because I've been really good lately. Honest.) I probably smell like rotten milk no matter what time of day it is, so don't get too close to me.

During the day she sleeps a lot sitting up, propped up between couch cushions. It keeps her from spitting up too much. And she likes it, I guess . . .


Marsh Mayhem said...

what a beautiful little girl! I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. Charlie was a decent nursed, and clara is simply horrid! Same issues you outlined. And at seven months it's no better! One of her favorite games is spitting a mouthful of milk at me. She thinks it's hilarious. I think it's a miracle if I get to wear one shirt for most of the day without changing!!

Sara said...

I love that last picture. She's a little model. :) I'm interested to see what my second will be like compared to Lawson.

Cassia said...

Kathryn likes being on her stomach, too. You are not the only one who has defied the "back to sleep" campaign. :) In fact, as an anecdote, I actually had more problems on my back as a baby than on my stomach - I'd spit up and choke. That kind of makes it hard to breathe.

Kathryn said...

Oh man, I remember those crazy nursing days! I always felt sticky and gross because Josie wasn't very good at nursing until she was over two months old.

Dave & Chels said...

Nursing...I guess it all comes back pretty quickly, huh? Haha...Bent was 8 lbs 5 oz WHEN he was born. I really hope this next one is smaller! I remember letting him nap on his tummy at that age, as long as I was always near. I totally understand. She's so cute!