For whatever reason. I'm still up. I started planning my sharing time lesson for Sunday and now I'm blogging. At least it will keep me from grabbing a snack.
Last week we went to the California Academy of Sciences Museum in San Francisco. (Yes, again. Gotta use our passes before they expire in March!) This time we actually went into the indoor rainforest. Very cool.
The girls loved it. Our favorite part -- the butterflies. They were everywhere, and if you stood real still they'd land on you. They even have people that brush your stroller down and check you for hitchhiking butterflies when you leave the exhibit.

It was also really humid and my camera kept fogging up (hence the dream-like haze on the photos). It's a shame that this one didn't have its wings spread apart. It was a gorgeous blue color.

Someone's getting the sleepies.
This guy liked my hat. I like my hat, too. I got it HERE. (Thanks McKell!) It was rainy that day (big surprise) so I rocked some braids, which I rarely do.
The aquarium is always our favorite part.

I'm realizing that I don't have many pictures of myself with the girls since I'm usually the one behind the camera. I'll have to work on that.